Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SP up for a vote

So the voting has started, and so far no one has voted "No" (altho one abstained !?!).

It's all rather anticlimactic. I wonder how much of the non-impact is due to J's involvement.


Monday, July 20, 2009

SP now in discussion

So J has released the Study Program into the wild for consideration by the Council of Lore. Very different from others, but Kirk just posted that "he approves of this message" so I just keep thinking of "Alien" and "... game over dude! Game over!..."

J did a great job and I'm very proud of him putting into words what was only a dream of mine. (And hopefully his as well.)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Into the breach...

So Jeremy has posted the New Study Program and I couldn't be more pleased. He's been convinced that Simplicity Has Power and I'm even begun convincing myself that We Need Ranks. Hehehe.

We'll see how it Plays In Peoria (i.e. the Council of Lore) but I'm happy to have him on my side on this one.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Crikey - they've put up a ballot and I'm running unopposed. Grrr. Guess I need to do some real work now.


Monday, January 12, 2009

So is this Yet Another Go?

J. is posting a "let's get this party started" post to the Guild List. Poor dear was worried I'd be put out but I reassured that he's in the Inner Circle (people I dearly love/respect/honor) he'd never be able to do such a thing. Esp. as he's being mature to my pouty kid routine.

So I guess this means I need to catch up on my list reading and have another go.

I also shared status comments with another Guild leader who I respect as well, and suggested we need to get likkered up and have a chat. I think it'd be a good dose of reality for me.

My biggest issue is trying to separate out my vision/wishes from what is possible plus what others have as their vision. Unfortunately, I'm not having good luck convincing people of my vision. Much simpler in my work where I can just code and go - this whole "reality" thing is way overrated in some ways. Guess I just need to work out some Middle Way somehow to at least get some good out of the revival of the Guild - doesn't look like my wish to just let it die is gonna fly.

Sad that.